Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Dear Parents,
Continue reading with your
child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH
folder. In reading we are reading non-fiction, informational texts,
learning about main idea and supporting details.
Falcon Fast Facts are on the RAH folders. Have your child work on Xtra Math or
flashcards for a few minutes each day.
Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder.
Please continue to have
your child use SumDog. If
you need the password for SumDog or Xtra
Math, please let me know.
Family Writing: Your brother or sister (IF you are an only child, you may write it for
your mom or dad) is having a birthday. Your grandparents have asked for ideas
for a present. Write a letter to your grandparents suggesting a gift your
brother or sister might like. Before you start writing, think about what the
gift could be. Think about why your younger brother or sister would like the
gift. Think about how your grandparents can locate this gift. Now write a
letter to your grandparents suggesting a birthday gift for your younger brother
or sister.
In science we’re studying life science.
Students will be planting two flower seeds.
They are choosing one variable to change (soil, sunlight, water) with
one of the seeds to find out what will happen in an inquiry lesson. The other seed will be planted and taken care
of in the way they’ve learned. They’ll
also soon begin research and report writing on a riparian zone (area around the
river). Second graders will choose a
bird, and third graders will choose a mammal, reptile, insect, or
Book orders are due by April 25. There will
be one more order before the end of the year.
Be sure you’ve used your free book coupons!