Tuesday, November 25, 2008

December 1, 2008

I’ve added two websites for language arts. One is called Toondoo and the other one is Kerpoof. Students can create stories with characters, setting, and plot. I also added information about the food pyramid (It changed a couple of years ago!). There is a game on it called “Blast Off” that lets students decide which foods they will need to fuel their bodies for a trip through space.

Second grade students will have the opportunity to make birdhouses on December 10. They will need to bring $3.50 to help cover the cost of materials. Four students still need to turn in their money.

Later this week, I’ll send home a spelling sheet for you to work on with your child.

This week we’ll begin new activities during Number Corner. Temperature, number patterns on a 101-200 board, reading and interpreting bar, line, and pictographs, arrays (rectangles) to figure multiplication, fractions, and elapsed time. Students are also working on different strategies to add and subtract 2, 3, or more 2-digit numbers.

Our goal this year at Forest Ridge is to improve students’ writing. Family writing for this week: Write about 1-3 rooms in your home. Each one you write about should be a complete paragraph with topic sentence, at least 3 details and a concluding sentence or a transition (so the story flows from one idea to the next smoothly) into the next paragraph. Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns. Please have your child bring the writing in by Friday.

Take home folders (with reading logs attached) need to be turned in on Thursday.