Our artist in residence will be starting work on the mosaic mural with the Forest Ridge kids soon. He has requested any pieces of tile you may have at home left over from home improvement projects. If you have some you could send in to the office with your student, it would be appreciated.
Our goal this year at Forest Ridge is to improve students’ writing. During the week, I’d like to encourage you and your child to write together. The topic this week is to write a Cinquain. It’s a 5 line poem with the following structure:
Line 1 - one word of two syllables (may be the title)
Line 2 - four syllables (describing the subject or title)
Line 3 - six syllables (showing action)
Line 4 - eight syllables (expressing a feeling or observation about the subject)
Line 5 - two syllables (describing or renaming the subject)
Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns. Please have your child bring it in by Friday.
We have 5 volunteers helping out on Friday, the day of our field trip to Willamette Mission Park, for a service project and outdoor education. We’ll be able to see the “ghost” structure of the first mission in this area, built by Jason Lee. We’ve been learning about this in our Salem history study. If your child isn’t able to go on the trip, please try to take your child to see this site.
Reading logs are due on Thursday.