Due Date: By Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dear Parents:
Thank you to all who donated so generously to our “I Scream, You Scream” basket. Laura has some great ideas on putting it all together. Thanks so much, Laura for volunteering and doing this for us!
Assignments for this week:
I’ve added a link, “Discovery Student Center with Assignments” on our Blog site. Please have your child complete the “Animal” assignment on the site, if you have internet access.
*Family Writing:
You have been asked to write an essay about a day in the life of a third grader. The essay will be placed in a time capsule that will be buried this year. It will not be opened until 2500. What will you write about? Organize your essay and write it!
Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns.
*Language arts homework, “Why Do Children Take so Long to Grow Up?” PLEASE feel free to help your child with it, even on some of the reading, if necessary.
*Read 30 minutes at home each day. The bookmark needs to be filled out and returned. Ask your child to retell important parts of the story that were read that day.
* Math problems, similar to OAKS (state assessment), are in this packet to help students practice for the state math assessment.
*Work on multiplication facts with flashcards at home. Students should be working toward memorizing these. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 should be the top priority! Let me know if you need flashcards!