Due Date: By Wednesday, June 9, 2010
You are invited to see our two plays, “Two Pigs, a Wolf and a Mud Pie” and “Cinderella Outgrows the Glass Slipper” on Tuesday, June 8 at 9:30 a.m. in our classroom (B1), AND at 10:15, you’re also invited to the music room to see the students’ shadow show of “Peter and the Wolf”.
Assignments for this week:
*Family Writing:
Write a paper convincing me that I should read a particular book to my students next year. It can be a book that I read to you, a book you read to yourself or your parent read to you this year. Be sure you let me know why this would be a good book to read aloud to third graders. Include what you liked most about the book. Also include what the setting, characters, plot, and climax were.
Students need to prepare their animal/plant speeches. They may use their VoiceThread to view their PowerPoint. http://voicethread.com Username: ryan_ginny@salkeiz.k12.or.us Password: student
The PowerPoint presentation will be used during the speech, so preparation for the speech needs to be done with the Voicethread volume turned off! Students need to practice clearly stating the topic of each slide in a sentence with three detail sentences and a transition to the next slide. The conclusion of the slideshow can be done on the last picture slide. A brief flash of the bibliography and picture credits will be fine. Eye contact, pacing, and voice are important. Speeches begin on Monday!!!
Students are to make sure their parts in the play we’ve been working on are memorized. Students may take their plays home, but must bring them back to school each day.
*Read 30 minutes at home each day. The bookmark needs to be filled out and returned. Ask your child to retell important parts of the story that were read that day.
Salem History Long Term Project:
A list of project ideas was sent home, and they are to be completed at home. I’d like for your child to choose among this list of projects or create a project idea of his/her own. Fill out and turn in the sheet titled “Salem Project Learning Contract” by May 19. By June 9, all projects should be completed. We’ll be sharing the projects in class beginning June 9. If you need materials for projects, please let me know.
Multiplication timed tests have slipped again! Students need to be working on their facts at home! I provided a sheet for practice last week. Please continue working on this. The sheet does not need to be returned. It’s great for practice at anytime (even during the summer!).
* Multiplication problems—Have your child continue to work with the multiplication flashcards that were made. Practice and memorize a few problems each day. Keep reviewing the ones learned from the previous day. Work everyday for about 10 minutes.
Do “Discovery Student Center with Assignments”, a link on our Blog site. Please have your child complete the “Animal” assignment on the site, if you have internet access.