Friday, December 17, 2010

Homework for Thursday, December 16, 2010

Due Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dear Parents:
Check out our Blog site! At the bottom of our classroom page, you can subscribe to our Blog, and new postings will show up on your Google homepage.

Family Writing: Family Writing: Family Writing: Write a an expository story (informing) about what you did during your vacation. Start with one to three word clusters, telling about 1-3 separate things you did. Write an introduction (separate paragraph) to your story, then the 1-3 paragraphs (with 6 detail sentences each) about the 1-3 different things you did. If you write more than one paragraph, the last sentence in each paragraph should be written so that the paragraph flows smoothly into the next one. Write a conclusion at the end of the story. Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns.

Language arts homework, “New York City’s Gem”, is similar in format and skills to the Oregon third grade reading assessment. It will benefit your child greatly to complete it each week. PLEASE feel free to help your child with it, even on some of the reading, if necessary.
Don’t forget to help your child to remember to read and to bring the RAH (Read at Home) folder back to school each day. If you don’t have time to read one evening, please still sign the card with 0 minutes written in.

* Math problems, similar to OAKS (state assessment), are in this packet to help students practice for the state math assessment.

*Last week I sent home instructions for making fraction cards at home. Do the suggested activities at home, “Ideas to Try at Home”. Keep the cards in a safe place at home because later during our fraction unit I will send home some games to play. The games will be sent home after vacation!

*Continue playing the 2 math games that I’ve sent home, “Multiplication Pairs” and “Count and Compare”. Please play these often at home. It will take a lot of practice!

*Continue playing the math game I sent home earlier, “Cover 50” at least once a week.