Due Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Dear Parents:
If you haven’t received a flyer about bringing an item for our class basket (sports theme), please ask your child about it. Our classroom contact person is Darcy May at Woodburnbowl@yahoo.com. Thank you to the families who have donated! Donations need to be in by tomorrow, April 22!
Think about your favorite year of school. Explain why it was your favorite year. Write a topic sentence, 3-6 detail sentences, and a conclusion.
Working and writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns.
Literacy: Language arts homework, “Too Many Ideas” is similar in format and skills to the Oregon third grade reading assessment. It will benefit your child greatly to complete it each week. PLEASE feel free to help your child with it, even on some of the reading, if necessary.
Don’t forget to help your child to remember to read 30 minutes each evening and to bring the RAH (Read at Home) folder back to school each day. If you don’t have time to read one evening, please still sign the card with 0 minutes written in.
Math: All students will be retaking the math state assessment next week. Attached is a list of vocabulary words that may be on the state assessment. We’ve been reviewing the words at school. Please go over the list with your child. There is a website that has most of the word definitions on it. Click on the link “Math Definitions” on our classroom blog. Students should look up the words they don’t know and look them up. Writing definitions and/or pictures will help them to remember.