Mrs. Barnwell’s, Mrs. Crystal’s, and Mrs. Ryan’s classrooms will be taking a field trip on Friday, June 10. We will be visiting Willamette Heritage Center in Salem. The bus will leave at 9:15. We plan on returning by 2:00.
This field trip is sponsored by the Forest Ridge Parent Club from the money earned at the jog-a-thon. To help pay for the additional cost of this trip students need to bring $5.00. Students will also need to bring sack lunches or purchase a school sack lunch. Students should dress appropriately for the weather.
We will need a total of 8 (1 for Mrs. Crystal, 4 for Mrs. Barnwell, 3 for Mrs. Ryan) chaperones. Chaperones will sit with their group of children on the bus, and then lead their group once we arrive. School district policy requires all chaperones to have a criminal history background check completed and approved (takes 3-4 weeks) before attending. If you are interested and have completed the form please indicate below. If you have not completed a form and would like to go on a future trip please ask at the office for a form and turn it in soon so you will be able to attend our next trip.
We are looking forward to this exciting adventure!
Ginny Ryan
Miss LaMarche (student teacher)
Heather Barnwell
Diane Chrystal
Cut here. Return bottom part by Wednesday, June 1.
My child_______________________ has permission to attend the field trip to Willamette Heritage Center on Friday, June 10.
I authorize School District 24J and its employees to secure the services of a physician or hospital, and to incur expenses for necessary services in the event of accident or illness, and I will provide payment for these. Every reasonable effort will be made to reach the parent(s) as soon as possible.
Parent’s signature: ______________________________.
I’d like to attend as a chaperone: _________________________________.
Contact Number: ______________________
I’ve enclosed/attached $5.00.
My child will bring a sack lunch recyclable/disposable rather than containers
My child will buy a lunch from the school lunch program (by checking this box a lunch will be ordered and your child’s account will be charged. We are unable to cancel the order less than 5 days before).