Monday, December 12, 2011

Xtra Math Tips

XtraMath takes only a few minutes each day, but it requires your undivided attention during that time. Stay focused on the problems and do your best every time.
Do not feel hurried by the clock. Accuracy is more important than speed, but once you have the answer you should type it in promptly.
Do not worry about the occasional typo or mistake. You will have many more chances to answer that same problem in the future.
Do not guess. Try to remember the answer first, and if you cannot remember it then calculate it.
Whenever "Mr. C" shows you the correct answer take a second to repeat the problem and answer to yourself. This will help you remember it in the future.
Never, ever enter wrong answers on purpose. If you do your score will drop significantly and it will take you several sessions to prove what you already know and get back where you should be.
It can take two months or more of regular practice to master an operation so be patient and be persistent.