Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21, 2013

Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013

            Students need to decide which book character they will dress up as on Friday, March 1, Read Across America Day (in celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday).  Students need to tell me the character they’ll dress up as by February 22.  The book needs to be in t heir hands for the parade through our school on March 1.
 Continue the great work in reading with your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH folder.  In reading we are reading non-fiction, informational texts, learning about main idea and supporting details.  The writing assignment this week has an example of that genre of reading.  The time spent reading counts as RAH minutes.

            Falcon Fast Facts are now on the RAH folders.  Have your child work on Xtra Math or flashcards for a few minutes.  Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder each day.

            Please continue to have your child use SumDog.  If you need the password for SumDog or Xtra Math, please let me know. 

       Family WritingWe’re working on developing a non-fiction (expository informational) paragraph. 
  1. Go to our classroom blog.
  2. Click on the link “National Geographic for Kids” (If you don’t have access to a computer, read a book or see a PBS program about an animal.)
  3. Left click on “Animals and Pets” tab.
  4. Choose an animal to read about.
  5. Use your graphic organizer to write your topic (example:  gorilla) in the oval.
  6. In the top rectangle write a topic sentence about your animal. (Example:  Gorillas are amazing animals.)
  7. Write 6 things and any details about those things you learned in the rectangles around the oval.
  8. Write a conclusion (example:  That’s why I think gorillas are amazing animals.) in the bottom rectangle.
  9. Put your graphic organizer to use by building sentences from your graphic organizer and write them on notebook paper.  Indent to begin your paragraph.  Write one sentence after the other.  Don’t forget your topic sentence and conclusion!

Scholastic Book orders are due by Monday, February 25.  Please order online.