Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

Due Thursday, June 6

Dear Parents,

We’ve been studying animals.  Your child has learned about a favorite animal’s characteristics, habitat, lifecycle, defenses, food, and more.  He/she is working on or has finished a PowerPoint presentation that will be shared with the class.  The notes he/she took were copied and are attached to this packet.  Students need to prepare a speech (using sentences) to inform others about what they’ve learned.  An introduction and conclusion need to be thought out. 

Students are also working on writing a report about their animal.  Most are at the revising and editing stage or working on the final copy.

Please work with your child so he/she will be successful presenting what he/she has learned.  An extra half hour this week on this should be plenty of time.  Your child needs to be prepared to present beginning on June 6, 2013.

I will be scoring:
Ideas and Content—Clear topic, many details, keeping the audience’s attention, accurate information, creative presentation

Organization—Strong, creative introduction and conclusion, clear purpose, smooth flow, details in order, and interesting

Language—Word choice precise and vivid, creative language for clear understanding, correct grammar

Delivery—Eye contact, speaking clearly, varied voice in speed, tone and volume, fluent voice, facial expression, gestures, and body movements


Thank you for your help. 

Continue reading with your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH folder.  In reading we are reading non-fiction, informational texts, learning about main idea and supporting details. 

Falcon Fast Facts are on the RAH folders.  Have your child work on Xtra Math or flashcards for a few minutes each day.  Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder.

 Please continue to have your child use SumDog.  If you need the password for SumDog or  Xtra Math, please let me know.