Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Homework for September 24

Due Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (Picture Day!)

Writing: Thank you to the 5 families who worked with their child on last week’s family writing activity. You will see the gains your children make in their writing!
Write a thank you note to someone who recently did something nice for you. (I’ll return the letter without any marks on it, so you can give it to the person!) State your reason for writing the letter. Explain in detail what effect his/her action had. Let him/her know again how much you appreciated his/her efforts. Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns.

Language arts homework, “One Tent, Lots of Stuff”, is similar in format and skills to the Oregon third grade reading assessment. It will benefit your child greatly to complete it each week. PLEASE feel free to help your child with it, even on some of the reading, if necessary.

Read 30 minutes each day. The bookmark needs to be filled out and returned.
Extra Things:
Your child needs to continue working on memorizing the addition facts. I’ve asked him/her to memorize at least 3 a week. Ask which ones he/she is working on this week. We’ve worked on doubles, doubles plus 1, 2, and 3. Help with this would be appreciated.
*A few students are still week in counting money. Help at home with real money would be helpful.
*I’m sending home a math homework sheet on money that is due back tomorrow (Friday).
*Continue playing the math game I sent home last week, “Plus-Minus-Stay the Same”.
*Spelling review sheet, for unit 2, will be sent home on Friday. It will be due back on Monday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Spelling Homework Tonight!

Students will be assessed on the the first unit of spelling tomorrow. Words with sounds that “ou” and “ow” make, like in "sound" and "cow", and short and long "i" words are emphasized in the lessons for this unit. The assignment I’m sending home is also a review of spelling patterns that students had in second grade.
The "Take Home" assignment is due back tomorrow. It's meant as a review right before the assessment. I encourage you to go over it with your child.
Regular Thursday homework, that’s due on Wednesday, will be coming home tomorrow (Thursday). Friday the Roots and Shoots pledge will be coming home along with the bookmark for students to keep track of their reading for the week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Math Homework

Monday I sent home a math game we've been playing in class. It would be helpful to play for 15 minutes or so each day, until your child thoroughly understands how to add and subtract 10 from any number. Keep the game to play throughout the year. The cards will be used for other games.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homework Tonight! Thursday, September 10, 2009

In math, we practiced counting blocks to 100, and then grouped them in different ways to prove there were indeed 100. Please have your child count objects at home (pennies, popcorn, beans, etc.) and group them to make sure the count is accurate.
Tomorrow we are decorating the “Writer’s Notebooks”. Your child has been asked to bring copies of photos of favorite things. Favorite words, words of things he/she likes to do, or expressions can be written on a computer and cut up.
No regular homework this week. Regular homework will begin next week.
Don’t forget to have your child read about 30 minutes a day.

First Day of School!!!