I warned the students that I may be on jury duty this week, but it's been postponed until April 14.
Second grade students will have the opportunity to make birdhouses on December 10. They will need to bring $3.50 to help cover the cost of materials.
Third grade students will be taking formative assessments in reading and math this week. Please encourage them to do their personal best.
This week for spelling, I’ve assigned dictated sentences using some of the top 100 most commonly used words. The last two sentences are for students who have no trouble learning the first 3 sentences. Please work on these at home. The final test will be on Friday. Study individual words that the student missed on the pre-assessment. A method I’ve taught the students is:
1. Study the word. (Look at its parts, beginning, middle, ending.) Point to each letter and say it.
2. Cover the word and spell it orally.
3. Look at the word to check your spelling. Point to each letter as you check it! (If you are not right, start at the beginning step again.
4. Cover the word and write it.
5. Look at the word to check your spelling. (If you are not right, start at the beginning step again.)
1. As we go places, we should take our time.
2. I only have so much time to jump into the water.
3. No, I don’t want to ask him.
4. Please don’t be nervous about taking an assessment.
5. Children have a natural curiosity.
Continue working on identifying coins and counting change. We’ve been working on the addition and subtraction facts at school. Please work with your child at home as well. Flashcards are helpful. If you need some, please let me know, and then I will send some home with your child.
Our goal this year at Forest Ridge is to improve students’ writing. Family writing for this week: Tell what your Halloween was like by writing a short narrative. You might describe some of the things you observed with your senses (taste, sight, smell, feel, hear—maybe what it would say?!) You can add your own voice to it, by adding your own feelings into the paragraph. Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns. Please have your child bring the writing in by Friday.
Our library check out day is on Tuesday. Please help your child to remember to return his/her book back by Monday.
Take home folders (with reading logs attached) need to be turned in on Thursday instead of Friday. Then students can bring home “Thursday Thoughts” and other papers in their folders.