Time is creeping up on me! I will be at a technology conference in Seattle on October 28-30. There will be a guest teacher in our room. I’ve also been called up for jury duty in Portland on November 3 (unless the Friday night before I find out the case has been canceled), so students will have another day with a guest teacher. If I’m selected for jury duty, the case may last a week.
One thing we haven’t done this term, yet, is a speech. Students have wanted to share, so this will give them an opportunity to do that! Please help get your child prepared!
I would like for your child to choose 3-5 objects to represent what is important to him/her. The objects could include family pictures, awards, medals, favorite book, a treasured card or letter, a picture he/she drew, something representing his/her happiest memory, favorite place, or favorite restaurant, etc. The objects need to fit into and come to school in a brown paper bag. The bag may be decorated if your child chooses. The following is a description of the assignment:
*The students need to be prepared to name the objects, describe them, explain why they are important, and tell any other important information about the objects.
*Students will be scored on:
1. Having a beginning, middle, and an ending to their speeches.
2. Using appropriate language (grammar).
3. Giving the audience eye contact.
4. Speaking loud enough for the audience to hear.
5. Keeping the body from fidgeting.
*Students will not need notes since this will be such a short speech (2-3 minutes).
Students will need to practice at home. Speeches will begin by Thursday, October 23. I’ll take volunteers first. All speeches need to be prepared and ready to be given by Friday, October 24. We’ll try to have all students present by Monday, October 27, but some may have to wait until I return on Friday, October 31.
Thank you for helping your child get ready.