Continue the great work in reading with your child from 30 minutes
each day and recording it in their RAH folders.
In reading we’re working on predicting, determining the most important
events or details, sequencing, and retelling stories.
If you don’t have computer access
for you child, please work on flashcard practice. Second graders need to know their addition
facts through 10 + 10 (or 20’s) and subtraction facts through 20’s. Third graders need to know addition, subtraction,
and multiplication facts through 10’s (11’s and 12’s would be nice, too!)
Please continue to have your child
use Xtra Math and SumDog. If you need the passwords, please let me
Family Writing: Tell about a fun event or holiday in which
you have participated. What made it
fun? Describe one thing about that event
or holiday.
Please use
the graphic organizer to think through the story before beginning your draft on
notebook paper. Skip lines on the
notebook paper, so there is room to revise and edit the story. If the first draft is neat, a final copy is
not necessary.
writing is always due the Tuesday after it is assigned, the event or holiday
story is due Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
science inquiry papers are attached. We
did this sheet together in class. We
wrote a measurable question (Will an ice cube melt faster on a metal or
Styrofoam surface?), a hypothesis (I think the ice will melt faster on a metal
surface because the metal absorbs the temperature around it.—This channeled
quite a discussion!), a procedure, data collection, and an analysis. Please go over the process with your
child. Later in the year, they’ll be
doing a science inquiry mostly by themselves.