Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012

Dear Parents: 
            Continue the great work in reading with your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in their RAH folders.  In reading we’re working on characteristics of characters in the story, setting (time and place), problem/solution.

            Math: All array cards should have been completed by now.  Second graders actually only need to know their multiplication (arrays) through 5X5, but I've included all the arrays because many of the second graders are ready for them!  I’m still waiting on three students to turn theirs in.  Continue playing the array games Multiplication Pairs and Count and Compare. Play this week several times.   Please keep the arrays and the games to play periodically.  It’s a great way to practice multiplication facts and division facts.  There should be a factor on the back of the array, near the product (answer when you multiply).  See if your child can determine the other factor.  That’s division!

            If you don’t have computer access for you child, please work on flashcard practice.  Second graders need to know their addition facts through 10 + 10 (or 20’s) and subtraction facts through 20’s.  Third graders need to know addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts through 10’s (11’s and 12’s would be nice, too!)  Falcon Fast Facts will officially begin in January and it will be added to the RAH minute folder.. 

            Please continue to have your child use Xtra Math and SumDog.  If you need the passwords, please let me know. 

       Family Writing:  Write about how you celebrated Thanksgiving or about one thing you did during your time away from school.     
Please use the graphic organizer to think through the paragraph before beginning your draft on notebook paper.  Skip lines on the notebook paper, so there is room to revise and edit the story.  If the first draft is neat, a final copy is not necessary.
            Family writing is due Tuesday, December 4, 2012. 

            In social studies we continue to learn about geography.  Your child should know his/her address, including city, state, county, country, continent, and hemispheres.  We’ve been learning the continents and the oceans.  Ask your child about this!!
            New book orders are attached.  I’ll send the order in on December 7.  They should be back before winter vacation.    Our classroom Blog site