Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 17, 2013

 Dear Parents: 
            Continue the great work in reading with your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH folder.  The first part this term in reading, we’re working on character qualities, point of view, cause and effect relationships, recounting stories, theme, moral and lesson, sequence of events, and compare and contrast.

            Math: Continue playing the array games a couple of times a week. 

            If you don’t have computer access for you child, please work on flashcard practice or the array games.  Second graders need to know their addition facts through 10 + 10 (or 20’s) and subtraction facts through 20’s.  Third graders need to know addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts through 10’s (11’s and 12’s would be nice, too!) 

          Falcon Fast Facts are now on the RAH folders.  Have your child work on Xtra Math or flashcards (These were sent home on Monday.) for a few minutes.  Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder each day.

            Please continue to have your child use Xtra Math and SumDog.  If you need the passwords, please let me know. 

       Family Writing:  Five students still need to finish up their fiction story that was assigned before winter vacation.
          Write a New Year’s Resolution.  Choose one thing you’d like to improve to make you a better student.  Explain what that is and how you plan to improve it. 

          Writing together encourages your child to see you having fun with writing, and allows you an opportunity to spend time with your child while he/she learns.