Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

Due Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dear Parents: 
            Continue the great work in reading with your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH folder.  Possibly set a goal for earning money by reading or doing homework to donate to the Heifer Project to support our school in the effort to help others.  The first part this term in reading, we’re working on character qualities, point of view, cause and effect relationships, recounting stories, theme, moral and lesson, sequence of events, and compare and contrast.

          Falcon Fast Facts are now on the RAH folders.  Have your child work on Xtra Math or flashcards (These were sent home on Monday.) for a few minutes.  Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder each day.

            Please continue to have your child use SumDog.  If you need the password for SumDog or Xtra Math, please let me know. 

       Family Writing/Construction of Valentines Box/Speech:  See another Blog entry for "Valentines Holder" for the long-term (2-week) project.
            Valentine's party will need to be planned soon!  Is there a parent who would like to volunteer to organize it?  Are their any parents willing to help with the party?  Send me an e-mail, and I'll share your contact information with the parent(s) who wish to organize.  The party will be from 2-3 on Thursday, February 14.
Ginny Ryan