Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Name: _______________________
September 13, 2012
Classroom Speeches begin: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 (That’s less than 2 weeks away!!  Be ready!)

Each term 2rd and 3rd graders will be assessed on their speaking ability.
The areas assessed include:

       Ideas are conveyed clearly.
       It is evident the speaker knows what he’s talking about.
       It is evident the speech was prepared ahead of time.
       The speech includes a beginning, middle and end.
       There are interesting and clear transitions.
       Words used make the speech interesting.
       Words are appropriately used.
       Diction is clear.

       The student carries him/herself with confidence.
       Smiles appropriately.
       Stands straight.
       Uses appropriate hand gestures and at other times keeps hands comfortably at sides.
       Makes eye contact with students and teacher.
       Projects his/her voice.
       There is clear evidence that the child has rehearsed the speech several times in front of an audience.

Create a timeline for preparing your speech
      Pick your items and fill in the below speech. Read over it a couple of times.
      Read over your speech 3 times in front of a mirror using a loud, pleasant voice. Figure out some hand gestures that go nicely with the speech. Practice a couple of times without your script in front of the mirror. Practice in front of an adult
      Practice more in front of an adult and in front of the mirror. Time yourself at an appropriate pace and make yourself slow down so you don’t say it too fast. Memorize your script.
      Tuesday, September 25: give a perfect, memorized speech that will blow our socks off!

Extra Credit!
To gain a 5 in Content/Ideas rearrange the script and make it your own, but include the information in the script and add extra interesting details
To gain a 5 in organization make your transitions clever.
To gain a 5 in language look for some new vocabulary words that can be appropriately placed to spice up your speech.
To gain a 5 in delivery practice, practice, practice and let someone hear you speak before you present your speech and give you pointers on how to make yourself sound and look better during your presentation. Then practice what you are told to do!
Topic: Bring one item to school to show the class.  The item should define an important part of who you are as a person.
(For example, I might bring in my laptop and talk about teaching and all the things I have to do on my laptop: grading, e-mailing, lesson planning to be a teacher.)

Template: here is a template to help you prepare your speech. If you follow this template you can earn a 4 in ideas and content

Good afternoon B1 and Mrs. Ryan,

I am so excited to share with you one things from my life. (smile)

I brought in ____________________ because _______________________

If I didn’t have _______________ in my life I would ___________________
because _____________________________________________________.

I _____________ (received, bought, have or other) it from _____________ _____________________________________________________________.
One time I ____________________________________________________

If you had ____________ you could _______________________________

Thank you for listening about _____________________ I truly enjoyed sharing with you today. (smile)


Good luck!!!