Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 13, 2012
 Dear Parents:

 We’re off to a good start!

 Most students are reading from 20-30 minutes each day, and they are recording it in their RAH folders. I’ve attached a list of 100+ books to read to your child and for your child to read. Reading to your child and talking about books develops character, strengthens families, and prepares children for long-term success in school and in life.

 For math practice, I’m sending home instructions for Xtra Math. Please have your child use it regularly throughout the year. Later I’ll send home user names and passwords to another math website, Sumdog.

 Also attached is the first speech information. Don’t put off working on this! Speeches will begin on September 25. All students need to be ready to present at that time!

 Bring It on Home is a home assignment on one of the 40 Assets Forest Ridge has adopted. The activities are extra credit. It is due on the last school day of the month (September 28). Each month a new activity sheet will be sent home.

 Don’t forget book orders are due online by September 25. I’ll send the order in that day. Parent Night is coming up on Thursday, September 20.