Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Due Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dear Parents: 
     I hope you all have a fun and safe spring vacation.  Instead of the normal writing assignment, I have attached an optional activity.  Students will be given extra credit if they write a sentence or two with their handmade quill pens (with parent’s help!) and homemade ink.    The peacock quill has been given to your child.  The “How-to-Sheets” are attached to this letter.
The writing is due on Tuesday, April 2, if your child wants extra credit.
     I’ve also attached a Scholastic News “Extreme Plants” for reading and the graphing activity for practice.  This may be used for RAH minutes one day.  It is due on Tuesday, April 2.

Continue reading with your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH folder.  In reading we are reading non-fiction, informational texts, learning about main idea and supporting details. 

     Falcon Fast Facts are now on the RAH folders.  Have your child work on Xtra Math or flashcards for a few minutes.  Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder each day.

            Please continue to have your child use SumDog.  If you need the password for SumDog or Xtra Math, please let me know. 

     Check out the Blog site for pictures and video of B1’s field trip to Champoeg Park.