Due Tuesday, March
12, 2013
Continue reading with
your child for 30 minutes each day and recording it in the RAH
folder. In reading we are reading non-fiction, informational texts,
learning about main idea and supporting details.
Falcon Fast Facts are now on the
RAH folders. Have your child work on
Xtra Math or flashcards for a few minutes.
Mark your initials by Falcon Fast Facts on the RAH folder each day.
Please continue to have your child use SumDog. If you need the
password for SumDog or Xtra Math, please let me know.
Family Writing:
Fill out the organizer form for the paragraph. Everyone has jobs or chores. Tell the importance of one of these
jobs or chores. First, brainstorm the
importance of one of these chores. Then,
go through your list and choose three really strong reasons why this chore is
important. Next, think what your topic
is, and write a topic sentence. Write a
detail sentence about one of your brainstormed reasons. Write another sentence about that same
reason, backing up your answer with a specific example. Do the same with the next two reasons. Finally, write a concluding sentence. You should have a total of 8 strong
sentences. Proofread your paper